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Nathan Nicolau




Available now! Click on the cover to purchase.

Ella, the free-spirited art school dropout, and Howl, the studious yet blunt college student, are one and the same. Both are college-aged, aimless in life, and haunted by their pasts. They would have never met on any other day, but that changed after a surreal encounter at the park involving an Italian opera Ella could recite but could not understand. As the two investigate the mystery of the unknown opera, they travel through their home city of Charlotte, North Carolina, discovering themselves and forming a strong bond within 24 hours. When Ella unexplainably leaves Howl's life the next day, will their old habits test this newfound friendship?

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No Sense, No Money
Essays on Film & Music

Available Now! Click on the cover to purchase.

Since 2016, acclaimed writer and poet Nathan Nicolau has written passionately about cinema and jazz music. No Sense, No Money is a selection of his film and music criticism. Contents include tributes to Japanese directors Seijun Suzuki and Isao Takahata, a defense of the largely misunderstood neo-noir Killing Them Softly, and a selection of Jazz album reviews. Combining his experience as an educator, film student, and musicaholic, Nicolau's input will dazzle music and movie lovers.

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Feel free to contact Nathan with questions, comments, or business inquiries. He promises to respond promptly.

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